In a saturated beauty and skincare market, a lot can be said for the products a girl actually hits pan on or squeezes every last drop out of. We've posted our can't-live-without prods (here), but every few months we'll also share the products we've recently run out of alongside mini reviews and whether we'll be repurchasing... Here's to all the amazing products out there that have a Bella's back right up until ...
Read MoreA girl's journey to finding the perfect lip balm is quite a personal one and if you're anything like us, can take years - if not a decade - to discover. Pots, tubes, doe-foot applicators and formula consistency, we all have our preferences, which explains why pinning down the Ultimate Lip Prod has us torn. So, we've maturely agreed to disagree... see below for our hand over heart faves! N&J xJ // Sara ...
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